Saturday, November 4, 2023


We stayed in Nashville for three days and the surprises just kept coming. It is known, of course, for being the center of country music and the mecca for all aspiring performers, but it has so much more going for it than that.

 Nashville, State Capitol of Tennessee

I probably wouldn’t have bothered, but thanks to Kay our first stop in Nashville was the State Capitol. I was amazed at how elegant and majestic the building is. In fact, all of the capitols we visited have proven to be well worth seeing. From the architecture to the wealth of history they contain, I highly recommend that you add them to your list of places to visit.

A wonderful surprise for me was the discovery of a bust of John Sevier. I had seen a picture of it in my research, but I hadn’t known where it was. I had asked the folks at the Knoxville Courthouse, but they had no idea so I had pretty much given up hope of finding it. So, I felt like a kid at Christmas when I ambled down a hallway in the Nashville Courthouse and discovered it. 

Downtown Nashville and the Music Scene

Nashville, of course, is known primarily as the mecca for country music and it was a treat to see downtown Nashville in action. All up and down main street we were treated to the music of wonderfully talented musicians pouring their hearts out in their music.

The Big Pink Bus Experience

One of the best things we did in Nashville was book a two-hour tour on a NashTrash bus. Yep, you heard me. It’s a big ole pink bus that took us around the city while being entertained by two very talented and hilarious guides, Jenny (Hoss) Littleton and Henry Haggard. But the highlight of the entire tour was when Jenny sang. She has one of those magical voices that makes your heart sing. The whole bus would break out in spontaneous applause and cheers. We knew we were hearing something special. Why she isn’t a huge recording star is a crying shame. She does an act with a fellow by the name of Doyle and fortunately they have a bunch of videos on YouTube you can check out, but nothing beats hearing her in person. 

Jenny Littleton

Grand Ole Opryland Hotel

(Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center)

No kidding, this place is simply jaw-dropping! Just driving by it, it seemed to go on and on for miles. It is immense! I was exhausted just walking from the parking lot to the main lobby. I totally recommend spending some time there having lunch and taking pictures. Even if you don’t stay there, it is a very fun experience to visit!

Image courtesy Google Images

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  1. My wife Amy and I met you in front of the capital. We where the schoolbus drivers. I am glad we were able to suggest some things for you to see. It appears you enjoyed your selves
    -Billy Graham

  2. We certainly did and thank you so much for recommending "The Big Pink Bus." It was great meeting you!
